The gastronomic depth of the Alboran Sea

From their kitchens, the chefs of La Costa (El Ejido, Almería) and Chinchín (Caleta de Vélez, Málaga) tell us why the Alboran is such a unique and diverse sea
The Alboran Sea, as a transition zone between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, is one of the most valuable regions for marine biodiversity conservation in Europe. Proof of this is that up to 1,645 species have been identified. Chef José Álvarez (one Michelin star in El Ejido, Almería) is well aware of what these seabeds bring to his cooking –- from groupers or megrims to red shrimps or quisquillas (small shrimp).
Having a fish market on your doorstep means that every morning you can enjoy renewed freshness. This is what Sebastián Guerrero, Lourdes Villalobos and Belén Abad of Chinchín (Caleta de Vélez, Málaga) do every day with their anchovies, octopus, shells, chopitos, pijotillas and many other varieties to make up a new menu. Two different cooking styles for one same sea.