Guillermo Aldama
Interventional cardiologist at the University Hospital of A Coruña
Guillermo Aldama is among Spain’s and Europe’s top voices for cardiology. He advocates fish-eating for “many reasons”, including “it being responsible in large part for Spanish life expectancy”, one of the highest in the world.
One of the most highly regarded cardiologists in Spain, holder of a Degree in Medicine from the University of Navarra and an Executive Master's Degree in Management of Healthcare Organisations from Esade, Guillermo Aldama has been an interventional cardiologist at A Coruña University Hospital since 2005, where he was a Cardiology intern for five years prior to that.
He is also a member of the Spanish Cardiology Society and the Spanish Heart Foundation. He is a strong advocate of eating fish, praising fish-rich diets as they “help us prevent and mitigate heart complications and improve our quality of life”. Aldama recommends eating fish “at least twice a week to help improve our memory, to reduce the risk of depression and increase children’s IQ”.
Aldama reminds us that “part of the secret to Spanish life expectancy”, among the highest in Europe, lies in fish. Fish is also beneficial to eyesight and improves skin and joint elasticity. In addition, it helps prevent infections and regulate cholesterol. It can reduce “strokes by 45%, life-threatening arrhythmias by up to 70% and the risk of heart attack by 30%”. All things considered “if you want a body with premium operating standards, you have to feed it premium materials… and fish is your best option”.